Applications 05-05-2022

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)

White Paper: "Good Laboratory Practice" - What is behind all this?

Learn how drug scandals can be prevented by standard-compliant testing according to GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) and how safety can be ensured.


In the 1970s, it was the thalidomide scandal, whose affects can still be seen today. In 2012, the pharmaceutical company Grünethal finally apologized to the 2,400 thalidomide victim, 50 years after the devastating effects were first seen.
The "Good Laboratory Practice" (GLP) regulatory mandate for quality assurance was introduced worldwide in 1978. The number of such scandals has since drastically declined, but has not yet been completely eliminated. Small loopholes in the law continue to leave room for dangerous actions. In October 2012, contaminated drugs lead to an outbreak of meningitis in the USA. GLP-compliant testing in the laboratory can prevent such catastrophes.



This free white paper contains information on:

  • The organization of personnel, facilities, equipment and test items
  • Operating procedures
  • GLP testing sequence


Take a look at the whitepaper now!