Company 07-08-2022

BINDER donates CO2 Incubator to Vocational College in Marl

BINDER was happy to help and provide the school with better equipment to teach their students about cell growth.

On the last day of school, right before the summer vacations, the students at the vocational college in Marl were quite astonished when they saw a brand-new CO² incubator in the specialist room of the biological technical assistants.

A few weeks ago, the school' s administration was finally able to purchase a new incubator thanks to a state grant for the biology department. During commissioning, BINDER employee Rainer Kriewald noticed that the students had to use a different, almost ancient device in addition to the new chamber. This unit did not match the new one either functionally or visually, and it was also in dire need of maintenance.

Since BINDER management is known to be happy to promote such uses, Mr. Kriewald held out the prospect of a possible solution, and after brief consultation with BINDER VP Michael Binder-Pfaff, a suitable demo unit was given to the - school free of charge!

On the day of the official handover, the device was immediately used and tested by the enthusiastic students: They are already looking forward to working with the brand-new incubators after the vacation to learn all about cell growth.

This great solution was only possible due to the excellent cooperation with the subject teacher, Dr. Raschke, as well as Dr. Maibaum, as head of the science department. On behalf of the vocational college, both expressed their thanks for the great support from BINDER.